Fertility Treatment: Non-IVF
Some women have very irregular or even absent periods. For these women, Ovulation Induction (OI) restoring normal ovulation will result in more regular cycles and can lead to pregnancy without any additional treatments. However, for women who fail to conceive in spite of regular cycles, the addition of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) to treatment with ovulation induction medications will be successful, whereas each treatment by itself was not.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) can be performed either in conjunction with a woman’s natural cycle or can be combined with the use of fertility drugs. IUI can also be effectively used in couples who struggle with sexual dysfunction or infrequent coitus.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are my cycles irregular?
What medications are used for Ovulation Induction?
Who are the best candidates for IUI?
Can all patients be treated with OI/IUI?
What about couples with male factor?
How expensive is this treatment?
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